Doctor Thesis (浜垣研+郡司研)
S, Hayashi (ALICE), J/ψ production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV , 2017
R. Akimoto (PHENIX), Measurement of Charms and Bottoms with Semi-leptonic Decay Modes in p+p Collisions at √s = 200 GeV, 2014
Y. Hori (ALICE), Mixed harmonic azimuthal correlations in sNN=2.76 TeV Pb-Pb collisions measured by ALICE at LHC, 2013
S. Sano (ALICE), Multi-strange Particle Production in Proton+Proton Collisions at √s = 7 TeV, 2012
A. Takahara (PHENIX), J/ψ photoproduction in Au+Au ultra-peripheral collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV at RHIC, 2012
Y. Aramaki (PHENIX), Study of Path Length Dependence of Parton Energy Loss in Hot Dense Matter Created in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV, 2011
Y. Yamaguchi (PHENIX), Direct photon measurement with virtual photon method in d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV, 2011
Y. Morino (PHENIX), Production of charm and bottom quarks in p+p collisions at 200GeV, 2009
S. Oda (PHENIX), Production of Charmonia in Cu+Cu and p+p Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200GeV, 2008
T. Isobe (PHENIX), Production of Direct Photons and Neutral Pions in Relativistic Au+Au Collisions, 2007
F. Kajihara (PHENIX), Measurement of Single Electrons from Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Quarks in Au+Au Collisions at 200 A GeV, 2007
T. Gunji (PHENIX), J/psi Production in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC. 2007
S. Kametani (PHENIX), Measurement of $J/\psi$ Yield in d+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV, 2006
K. Oyama (PHENIX), pi0 Production in Au+Au Collisions at s(NN)*1/2 = 130 GeV, 2003
Master Thesis (浜垣研+郡司研)
清水夏輝, Search for Exotic Strange Hadrons at the LHC–ALICE, 2020
勇川 健太郎, Study of Ion Back Flow in GEM and MICROMEGAS Detector, 2015
寺崎 紘平, Research and Development of COBRA GEM for Ion Back Flow Suppression, 2014
関口 裕子, Development of SOI pixel detector for radiation monitor, 2013
忽滑谷 淳, Development of a Readout System for the GEM-based X-ray Imaging, 2012
林 真一, Development of a Readout Circuit for Forward Calorimeter in LHC-ALICE experiment, 2012
辻 智也, LHC-ALICE 実験のための前方カロリーメーターの シミュレーションを用いた評価, 2011
堀 泰斗, Simulation Study for Forward Tracking Calorimeter in LHC-ALICE experiment, 2010
秋元 亮二, Development of Time Projection Chamber using Gas Electron Multiplier, for Use as an Active Target, 2010
高原 明久, LHC-ALICE実験におけるTRD(遷移輻射検出器)の性能評価, 2009
佐野 哲, Development of a readout circuit for 2D-Imaging using Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), 2008
荒巻陽紀, Development of a Gas Cherenkov Counter Using Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), 2007
山口頼人, Research and Development of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) with a dry etching technique, 2007
斉藤翔太, RHICにおける重イオン衝突に対するPHENIX実験の事象トリガー効率の研究, 2007
森野雄平, Study of Electron Identification Capability of ALICE TRD, 2006
織田勧, Development of a Time Projection Chamber Using Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM-TPC), 2005
郡司卓, Study of Electron Identification Capability of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector, 2004
磯部忠昭, Development of Time Projection Chamber for Experiments with Heavy Ion Collisions, 2004
栗原成美, Development of Readout Electronics for Aerogel Cherenkov Counter at RHIC-PHENIX, 2004
梶原福太郎, Development of electron trigger system in the PHENIX experiment, 2003